Sunday, August 14, 2005

Europe trip - rundown.

In summary, I had a great time on my trip to Europe. Saw lots of friends, learnt lots of new stuff about physics - I am starting to understand what NMR results mean now!

The conference was a great success, at least for me. I got lots of nice comments about my talk, and the funky animations definitely helped (and I don't mean powerpointish tomfoolery, but proper physics, though I don't know how to post them here).

Not only that but I also got offered a job at A Very Well Known British University, so it's now up to me not to mess that up! Looks like I'll finally be back in blighty after nearly seven years! I hope I will still be able to get the jokes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,

la bernoise fière que je suis (victoire contre Malmö et qualification des la league des champions pour Thoune, youhouhou! Leur budget de Chf 5 mio est le + petit de toute la ligue, mais ça pourrait changer...)voulait juste te saluer et aussi t'envoyer un url d'1 site trop drôle que tu connais peut-être déjà:

P.S. tu pourrais pas rester un peu plus longtemps au Japon? ;-)

Quoiqu'il en soit j'ai bien apprécié de te relire.

P.P.S. c'était quoi le nom de ta r.u. près de la Bastille?

a+ k.

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