Sunday, July 10, 2005


Frisbee, originally uploaded by alexybeetle.

we won the tournament!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Tajima ultimate frisbee tournament

I'm in the mountains of northern hyogo playing ultimate in the rain. Fortunately unlike England that doesn't mean its cold. Go Kinki Trolls!

Monday, July 04, 2005

In Europe

I will be back in Europe for a couple of weeks later this month, Geneva 15th to 18th, Grenoble 19th to 24th then via Budapest to Vienna for a Big Conference (where I have an invited talk! Wish me luck!).

It would be great to see anyone who is around then, drop me a mail (click on my profile if you haven't got it).

Also anyone who wants to give me a job next year is very welcome.

The photo (just testing blogger's new photo facilities) is of a bloke in a bear suit rapping in at a very strange but great fun free party I went to on the ramparts of Osaka castle. He got a bit hot and stripped down to his underpants later on, but I'll spare you that.
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